On the main page you will find a quick search bar, search for a company using any of the following criteria:
Company name or business name
D-U-N-S number
Tax identification number (Tax ID)
If you find the company in the quick search engine, click on the result.
If you cannot find the company you are looking for, click See all results or press Enter to see all the search results.
If the search still returns no results, you have the following options:
Verify that the data you're using is correct (for example, search with the legal name and not the tradestyle).
Request a new investigation for the company in question.
When you're unable to find the company you are looking for, it means that this business does not have a D-U-N-S number yet and is not listed in our database. In these cases CIAL360 will offer you the possibility of requesting a new report. For a step-by-step guide on how to do this you can read the "Can't find a company?” section of our knowledge base.