The internal database allows you to manage emails and comments from a list of companies (group). It helps to make a decision with pre-filled contact information or to request reports in bulk by considering the comments.
To use this functionality, it is recommended to have a group created on the platform.
How to use?
Go to Internal database in the Portfolio section, then click Import database.
You can add a company database to CIAL360 by uploading a .csv file. There are two options to do this:
First option: use the template file available in CIAL360. The D-U-N-S Number column is required. With this option you have to download the template and fill out the file with the DUNS, company name, email and comments of the companies whose data you want to auto-save.
Second option: create a .csv file from an existing group. If this option is selected, you must choose the group, export the file and fill out the emails and comments according for each company on the list.
Once you have ready the .csv with the email and/or comment data, either with the first or second option, you must upload the file and click on the Upload CSV file button. When a decision is made or a report is requested, the companies that were uploaded will already have the information pre-filled.