As companies grow, they begin to develop a corporate family. If you do a search by TAX ID, for example, there will be times when the search shows more than one result, this is because the company may have headquarters, branches and/or unique sites.
One way to identify that the company you are looking for is the correct one is by validating the labels that appear next to the company name.
Headquarters location: a headquarters (HQ) is a centralized location where a company's management operate and oversee overall business activities. This HQ will also have branches or divisions reporting to it and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions.
Single location: a company that operates from a single physical location.
Branch location: a secondary location to the headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for the debts, although invoices can be paid from a branch. With branches, the BIR has limited information.
Additionally, there are two other tags that can let you know the status of the company:
Out of business