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How can I order a report?
How can I order a report?
Updated over 3 months ago

Search for the company you want to request the report by trade name, DUNS, TAX ID or company name. There are two ways to order a report:

On the search results page

  1. In the search results list, identify the company you're looking for and click the order report icon.

  2. There are different types of reports according to the region. Select the report you want to obtain and click the Order button.

On the company page

  1. On the company page from which you need to request information, scroll down to the Order reports section.

  2. There are different types of reports according to the region. Select the report you want to obtain and click the Order button.

The platform will indicate the SLA for the delivery of the report depending on the availability of the company's information.

If the report is not up to date

If the report is not updated, a new window will open for you to add complementary information and request an investigation.

  1. In the Add a comment field you can add notes for our CIAL analysts, for example if you have the name of a contact, the phone number or any relevant detail that should be considered during their research.

  2. In the Add reference field, you can include internal notes only visible for your company.

  3. Click Request report: once you click this last button the status will change to Request pending and you will see the report order in the Reports section of the menu.


If the company you are looking for does not appear in the list of results, it is because it's not registered in the CIAL database. In this case, click Can't find a company? to request an inquiry. Please note that conducting an investigation on a company that is not in the CIAL D&B database will take a few days.

For some inquiries, the option to disclose/not disclose the name of your company to the investigated company will be enabled.

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