Millions of companies are created in the world every year, so it is impossible for us to collect all this information immediately, which is why we also update our data on demand. If the record is not found in the database, it means that you are the first person to request information from this company. The legend of "We're sorry! Your search does not return any results" will appear.
How can I request a report if the company can't be found?
When this happens, you can request that an investigation be carried out for the first time for these companies.
Click Can't find a company? and then click the Order report button.
Fill out all the fields of the form, if you do not know the answer to any field, you can fill it in with an "X" to continue.
In the comments section you can add notes for the CIAL D&B analysts, such as contact data or any relevant detail that can help during the investigation. In the reference field you can add internal notes for you to identify the request later.
Select whether you want the name of your company to be revealed in the investigation or not.
Click Request report.
We suggest you use the company's tax ID to make sure that it is not already in our database, sometimes companies use their commercial name to identify themselves or have recently changed their company name.