In the Reports list, you can apply different filters to easily locate the reports you have requested. Click on the Filters button to open a pop-up window and start selecting your preferred filters.
You can filter by:
Request date: select a date range of the request date to see only the reports you ordered during that period of time.
Delivery date: select a date range for the delivery date to see only the reports you received during that period of time.
Group: to use this filter you must have at least one group. This filter will allow you to see the reports ordered from companies that belong to that group. If the report is not yet available, it will not show on the list.
Industry: will allow you to enter the name of the industry you want to filter.
Type of report: you can filter by the types of reports you have requested, e.g. view only BIR reports, CFR reports, etc.
Report status: to filter by reports that have already been delivered or reports that are stilll pending.
Language: allows you to select the reports according to the language in which they were requested, there is an option for English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Country: you can filter the reports according to the country of the investigated company.
Sorted by (User): if several users generated reports, this filter allows you to view only the reports requested bythe user you select.
Ticket ID: enter the unique number of a report request ticket.
Click the Apply filters button to see only the reports that apply to the selected criteria.
To reset the filters, click Clear filters or the Close icon that appears in the name of the specific filter you want to remove.