By clicking on the Portfolio icon in the left menu bar or at the bottom, depending on your window size, in the Groups section, you can manage the companies you work with, or you can organize all companies into groups. This feature is very useful for organizing and categorizing companies according to your company's needs and policies, allowing you to customize your experience on the platform. Let's review each element step by step.
Groups: displays your groups according to your default view (tile or list), to find out how to create a group go to the How can I create a group section.
Views: displays the portfolio panel, either in tile view or as a list.
Saved searches: here you can save searches you perform to create groups based on material needs, services, or any other search concept, and then assign them to specific groups and make evaluations.
This section also shows the list My groups with all created groups, which you can access with one click to view the group and the companies it contains in detail. From there, you can:
Set a preferred decision flow.
Launch a decision for all companies in the group.
Request reports.
Request a new decision for each company in the group.
Change a company’s group.
Remove a company from a group (removes the company from your portfolio).
Delete a group altogether (decisions previously made with companies in deleted groups will not be removed).
Upload files to perform bulk uploads of companies your company will analyze.