You can now easily manage permission settings and change user permission type in CIAL Accounts if you are an administrator.
Go to CIAL Accounts, click on the menu in the top left corner ☰ and, on the Administration tab, click Permission policies to see the different access levels available.
To create a new group
Go to Groups and click on + Add.
Give your group a name and a description.
Select the types of permissions this group will have.
In the Users tab, select the people who will be part of the group.
Click Save when you're done.
If you need to make adjustments to a group, its permissions or its users
Find the group you want to modify and click the Edit button.
Make the necessary changes.
When you're done, click Save to ensure that your changes are applied.
To delete a group
Find the group you want to remove, click Edit and then Delete group.